Call of Duty – Black Ops III

Call of Duty – Black Ops III

In Black Ops 3, Treyarch introduces a new momentum-based chained-movement system which enables players to fluidly move through the environment with finesse, using controlled thrust jumps, slides, wall runs and mantling abilities More »

Call of Duty – Infinite Warfare

Call of Duty – Infinite Warfare

Infinite Warfare is the first game in the franchise to venture beyond the reaches of Earth, framing a plausible future war in our solar system. Infinite Warfare also introduces an original cooperative More »

Call of Duty – Ghosts

Call of Duty – Ghosts

This new chapter in the Call of Duty franchise features a unique dynamic in which players are on the side of a crippled nation fighting not for freedom, or liberty, but simply More »

Call of Duty – Advanced Warfare

Call of Duty – Advanced Warfare

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare predicts the powerful battlegrounds of the future, where both technology and tactics have taken steps to usher in a new era of combat for the franchise. Kevin More »

Bulletstorm – Full Clip Edition

Bulletstorm – Full Clip Edition

Step into the boots of Grayson Hunt after a crash landing on an abandoned resort planet forces him to make a hard choice: survival or revenge. An exiled member of the elite More »



Exactly one week in the life of a young man named Paterson of Paterson, New Jersey is presented. He lives an extremely regimented and routinized life, that routine perhaps most vividly displayed by the fact that he is able to wake up at exactly the same time every day without an alarm. That life includes eating Cheerios for breakfast, walking to work carrying his brown bag lunch packed in his lunch pail by his wife Laura, having a casual chat with his colleague Donny before he begins his shift driving the #23 Paterson bus for the local public transit company, walking home where he straightens out the exterior mailbox which somehow during the day gets knocked crooked, eating dinner with Laura and listening to her goings-on of the day, taking Laura’s English bulldog Marvin – who he would admit to himself he doesn’t much like – out for a walk to his neighborhood bar where he has one and only one beer before walking home with Marvin. There are day to day variations which are often the …

IMDBID: 5247022

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