[SV] The Touch

In a small Swedish town, physician Andreas Vergerus and his wife Karin Vergarus have a loving yet somewhat pedestrian fifteen year marriage which has spawned two now early teen children. They befriend visiting Jewish-American archaeologist David Kovac who is working on a dig of an old church site. Admitting to her that he fell in love with her the first time he laid eyes on her at the hospital on the day that her mother passed away, Karin easily succumbs to David’s advances, she never having cheated on Andreas before. Although David transforms, having a passive-aggressive nature in their relationship including bouts of physical violence against her, Karin ends up falling in what she believes is love with David in he representing what is missing with Andreas, while she still remains loyal to Andreas and their marriage. Andreas is aware of something concerning David which may provide some answers as to David’s behavior toward Karin, which become a little more clear when Karin meets Sara.
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